My Story

Years ago, I found myself in a place where I no matter how hard I worked and tries to save, the income I was bring in was barley covering my basic necessities with almost nothing left to put into a savings account. After dealing with this month after month and year after year, and not seeing any growth, I set out on a financial knowledge journey to find out what the rich and wealthy was doing that I wasn't doing. I was determine that there had to be a better way of living and growing my wealth other than just working for it.

Determined to turn my financial situation around, I enrolled in college getting my BBA in finance, graduating (Magna Cum Laude). I began researching budgeting wealth growing strategies, emergency funds, and Investment strategies determine to come up with a plan that would accelerate my path to Financial Freedom.

I stated with a change of mindset that if others could get out of debt, save more than they spend, and invest more than they save to growth their wealth and live an abundant life, then so can I!


I began to put the information I was learning into action with consistence and discipline and a detailed financial plan, and in less that 12 months, I was able to play off $42K in debt while growing my savings account at a rapid pace and investing a large amount of the money that I was no longer giving to the credit credit card companies. My investment account balances started to skyrocket.

Inspired by the new found Joy and Peace that was promised to us all by God, that I was now living in, I felt a strong desire to help others that were in the same situation. 

Hence, Kash 2 Kapital Financial Empowerment was Born! 

It All Starts With A Plan

Are you tied of having to much month left at the end of your paycheck?

Are you ready to take control for your money and get off the check to check roller coaster?

Are ready to live in abundance and prosperity that was promised to use as apart of our Birthright?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you have came to the right place.

With Kash 2 Kapital's Money Management Mentorship Program we help you figure out where your hard earn money is going so that you can keep more of it in your pockets, and make more of your money work for you instead of you having to forever work for your money.

Tracking, Saving and Investing your money shouldn't have to be a stress fest. Instead, make it a smooth, easy and stress free part of your normal life.

What's Included

We offer an intense 4 Week Financial Mentorship program that not only guides you through stopping the constant bleed of your Kash, but also tools you can put into action to enhance and accelerate the joy and abundance that was promised to us from GOD.

I would like to thank you and I want you to thank yourself for making one of the biggest, most powerful and life changing decisions you will make in your life . 

We are excited and honored to take this life changing Journey with you. In this Program we will equip you with the knowledge, encouragement, support and accountability (alone with your actions) to come out of this programs a completely different person than when you started. 

What you will receive:

4 weeks of intense, life changing classes that will teach you the power of:
  •  Belief 
  •  Mindset
  •  Great habits 
  •  Budgets 
  •  Paying yourself first 
  •  Eliminating debt 
  •  The Power of Paying God first 
  •  Saving for an rainy day 
  •  Understanding investing the power of compounding interest 
  •  Making your first investment 
  •  Most importantly, the Power of God or your higher power!

Class Schedule:

Week 1: Changing your Mindset and Habits (I am a new person)

Week 2: Creating a Financial Growth Plan (This is my new life)

Week 3: Setting up my Budgeting App (I don't deviate)

Week 4: Understanding investing and making my first investment (My money works for me)

Are you ready to start your Money Management Journey? Fill out the intake form and click the Submit and Get started Button today.

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your coaching, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching and completing the intake form, you'll receive further instructions by text or call on the start date for your coaching.

How often do classes start?

A new class starts the first Wednesday of each month and run for 4 weeks.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.